Madison Tantra Community
Our Tantra Community Nights are where we learn and practice the elements of Tantra in a casual group.
Tantra – the art of opening to higher states of consciousness – takes practice. We aim to develop skills like awareness, presence, deliberate attunement to self and others. Tantra is spiritual practice which recognizes the pathway to the soul and divine consciousness is through the body and the senses.
Every other month, we have a Snuggle Party and on alternate months, we have a Yummy Night, which explores the senses. The events are usually held on Saturdays from 7-9p.
Snuggle Party Rules
In our culture of technology and apps, the art of non-sexual, affectionate touch is often missing. Touch is a vital necessity in a healthy life.
In our Snuggle Parties, we take the time to consciously set the ground rules for engagement and consent. The levels of consent and boundaries learned here can enhance any relationship, even long-term and sexual partnerships!
We will go into greater detail, and practice the rules of engagement, during the event, but here are a few of our rules:
Wear clean, soft pajamas or sweats. All clothing should be comfortable and non-revealing. Think cuddly teddy bear.
1. You don’t have to touch anyone ever.
2. You must ask very specific permission and receive a verbal YES before you touch anyone.
3. If you’re a yes, say YES. If you’re a no, say NO. If you’re a maybe, say NO.
4. You are encouraged to change your mind.
5. Simply observing is participating.
6. Ask your teacher about any concern you have.
7. Respect the privacy of fellow participants when you share about the event.
Discover how Snuggle Party training and experience can help you engage with respect, feel comfortable with consent and boundaries, ask for what you want, and communicate better in all relationships.
If you have ever said yes, when you were really a no, get ready to develop healthier boundaries while expanding your intimacy-creating skills!
ARRIVE ON TIME: Once we finish sharing the rules, no one may enter. This creates comfort and safety by knowing that everyone is on the same page about rules and expectations.
WHAT TO WEAR: Pajamas or sweats – nothing risqué. Think comfy NOT sexy. (More drawstrings, less lace! No shorts, nighties or cleavage please.)
WHAT TO BRING: Please, no liquor or drug use before or during a Snuggle Party. You may bring juice, sparkling water or treats. (We have tea available.) Feel free to bring pillows, stuffed animals, cuddle accessories or other comfort-making props. Bring a smile and a willingness to learn and experience!
Our Snuggle Parties are featured every other month.
Registration is $20 until the day before the event, $25 at the door.
Next Snuggle Party
Details about Yummy Nights
Yummy Nights are where we practice and play with the elements of Tantra, which is a method of deep awareness and connection to our spiritual energy in every aspect of life.
Every event is different and focused on developing presence and sensually – through tantric breathwork, energy raising, meditation, eye-gazing, chakra clearing, and touch, we seek to achieve higher states of consciousness and live a blissful and ecstatic life. Tantra connects body and spirit, so we can express ourselves in new ways.
We can never predict how many people will attend, or their gender, so you may be practicing with someone of the opposite gender or the same gender. We are open to all gender identifications!
Some evenings we have a lot of singles and some evenings we have a lot of couples. Be prepared to be open and learn. All of our attendees are amazing because they are non-judgmental and ready to learn!
The events are what we call 1-2 chili-pepper, and we’ll move to new partners regularly. If you come with a partner, you have the option to stay together instead of moving.
These intro events are fully clothed and focused on expression, attention, presence and loving touch with each other.
We also regularly engage the senses: smell, touch, taste, hearing, seeing, moving, breathing.
Registration is $20 until the day before the event, $25 at the door. Sign up here for our next event:
Next Yummy Night
March 7, 7-9p